In the late months of summer 385YE scions of the cold sun poured from every day regio in the Empire. The eternal force of hatred and destruction sending full armies stright to the heart of the Empire. At that same time the black forge neared completion, and the Ethengraw orcs agreed to join the empire in thanks. By spring 385YE the blue skinned heralds of cold sun were well on their way to being defeated.
I never actually met Kirra, depicted here, but I had planned to. I was tiring of playing Percival and had seen that there were new options for kinds of orc entering the game. When Kirra's player posted that she was looking for banner members; I was glad to say I'd join. But not too long later I got cold feet. I wasn't sure about how I'd cope without my usual friends close by. Kirra died her first skirmish as a character (slain by cold sun heralds). We missed each other again at the next event, but Percival was killed early in the event so once again there was one orc of our banner in play. The next event my orc also died, leaving the banner with a reputation of short lives. This image is drawn from a set of photos taken during Firesong Kirra's final moments on the battlefield.